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Reclaim Your Youth: 3 Cosmetic Services to Counteract Aging

September 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 7:07 pm
Man in t-shirt hugging woman in straw hat outside by the shore

You’ve probably heard of people getting cosmetic work done to address changes in their appearance, like getting injections to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. But did you know that growing older can also impact your smile?

Age can affect your body in many ways and your teeth are no exception. Thankfully, your dentist can provide one or several cosmetic services to give you back a more youthful-looking grin. Continue reading to learn about 3 changes that can occur over time and how your provider can help reverse the effects!


Is Your Jaw to Blame for Your Migraines?

August 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 12:46 pm
middle-aged woman with a migraine

Life just stops when you have a migraine. You can’t work, you can’t relax, and no solution seems to work fast enough.

While a migraine is often thought of as a “head” problem, more and more research is showing that many people who suffer from chronic migraines actually have a jaw problem.

How does this work, and could this be the case for you? Keep reading to learn how your dentist might be able to provide the lasting relief you’ve been looking for.


Fluoride Water: Dental Aid or General Menace?

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 4:10 pm
Close up of hand filling glass with tap water

Whether or not you’ve heard before that fluoride is in drinking water, you’re probably wondering what it’s doing in there. After all, it sounds like a menacing compound that was cooked up in a chemistry lab!

Fortunately, there’s no cause for alarm. The origins of fluoride are far less dramatic than this sci-fi movie scenario, and it actually benefits your teeth. To learn more about the how’s and why’s, just keep reading.


From Day to Night: Can I Wear My Dentures All the Time?

June 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 6:44 pm
Set of dentures in a glass with clear liquid next to an alarm clock

Whether you’ve lost a few or all of your teeth, when some of your permanent teeth go missing, it can have a detrimental effect on your daily quality of life. Tasks that once were so simple you took them for granted, like eating, speaking, and smiling, suddenly are more challenging. Thankfully, dentures are a versatile solution that can rebuild your grin so that you can once again enjoy conversations and meals while preserving your oral health.

Although it can take about a month to adjust to wearing them all day, once you do, you might be so comfortable that you forget you’re wearing them. You might even feel tempted to fall asleep after a long day with them still in your mouth. Many people want to know if it’s okay to wear their artificial teeth 24/7, but it’s generally not recommended. Continue reading to learn 3 reasons why!


Getting Invisalign? Here Are 5 Things You Should Know

May 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 8:26 pm
Dentist with blue gloves holding clear aligner

Since Invisalign is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments, there’s a good chance that you already know quite a bit about it – from how transparent the aligners are to the fact that the average treatment timeline is only 12-18 months. If you want to learn about some of the less talked about aspects, however, then read on for a few things you should know before getting Invisalign. That way, your transition into life with braces is smooth and seamless!


Food for Thought: What to Eat and What to Avoid with TMJ Disorder

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 6:24 pm
Patient eating food to help his TMJ disorder

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can cause discomfort and affect your daily life, especially your enjoyment of food. While there is no one-size-fits-all diet for TMJ disorder, certain foods can either help alleviate symptoms or worsen jaw pain. If you’d like to know the best and worst foods to eat for TMJ disorder, continue reading. This information can help you to make informed dietary choices for better jaw health.


How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Give Me a More Successful Career?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:35 pm
Before and after cosmetic dentistry

If you’re on the hunt for a job or in line for a promotion, you’re probably interested in having every advantage that can help you stand out from other job seekers. People generally see those who frequently smile as friendlier, more approachable, more confident, and more trustworthy, and all of these traits can help you look like an ideal candidate. Here’s a quick overview of how cosmetic dentistry can give you a stunning smile that’s sure to charm potential employers.


How Much Calcium Do You Need for Healthy Teeth?

February 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 9:00 am
A smiling woman holding a glass of milk

Growing up, you likely learned that calcium is great for oral health. Everyone from parents to close friends will mention that fact often. Still, do you know how much calcium you need for healthy teeth? The exact amount doesn’t tend to get talked about much. It wouldn’t even be surprising if you’ve never heard the estimate. Luckily, your local Millersville dentist can remedy this problem. Here’s a primer on the calcium needed for great oral health.


Cozy Crisis: What Do I Do if My Invisalign Doesn’t Fit?

January 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 3:10 pm
Woman pressing Invisalign over her teeth

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic substitute for traditional braces because it’s much less visibly intrusive than having clunky brackets installed on your teeth. Instead, this therapy relies on the pressure created by clear plastic aligner trays to gently reposition them over time. They’re customized to be placed snuggly over your teeth and exert just the right force to shift them. Then in 1 to 2 weeks, you’ll receive a new set from your dentist to account for the change and continue forward progress.

Patients sometimes find that their aligners don’t fit the way they’re intended to and worry that it will put a real dent in their treatment plan. Fortunately, that’s not always the case. Keep reading to learn more about why your Invisalign might not be sitting correctly and what you can do!


The Jaw Pain Gender Gap: Is TMD More Common in Women?

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 2:52 pm
A woman suffering from jaw pain from TMD

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is a condition that affects the joint that connects the bottom jaw to the base of the skull. This often causes pain and discomfort as well as complications in chewing or swallowing. According to the TMJ Association, the disorder disproportionally affects women aged 18 – 49. But why is that?

If you want to learn more about TMD and its prevalence in women, continue reading.

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