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A Smile That Dazzles for the Holidays with Your Dentist in Millersville

November 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:53 pm

Half white smile.Now that the holidays are here, your calendar is sure to be full of family, friends, and work events or parties. So, are you ready for that perfect holiday photo? If you’re like 1/3 of Americans, you may not be satisfied with your grin. Many people avoid smiling for photos altogether because of their discolored or stained smile. Keep reading to learn how your dentist in Millersville can give you a smile as white as snow for the holiday season!

Why Choose Professional Whitening?

Teeth whitening products are at an all time high. You’ve probably seen whitening strips, gels, or toothpastes in the store that claim they can deliver white smiles. However, these products are mostly weak in whitening strength, and they can cause discomfort and irritation because they aren’t custom-made to fit your smile.

Professional-grade whitening can give you dramatically white results with a comfortable treatment and stronger whitening agents. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular services within cosmetic dentistry in Millersville because you can leave the dentist’s office with an easy at-home whitening kit. In just 2 weeks, you can make your smile up to 8 shades whiter while relaxing in the comfort of your own home. That means it’s going to be a white Christmas, whether there’s snow on the ground or not.

What If I Have Other Dental Issues?

Teeth whitening can improve your smile’s overall appearance, but if you have cracks, chips, or gaps, you may benefit from a different cosmetic service in addition to whitening. See some cosmetic services that fix common dental problems below:

Porcelain Veneers

If you have a wide-range of imperfections in your grin, veneers are right for you. These thin shells of dental porcelain are bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth to conceal chips, cracks, gaps, stains, and more. Plus, dental porcelain is stain-resistant, so it’ll be much harder to stain your new smile with routine coffee or wine drinking.


Do you have crooked or misaligned teeth but don’t want to wear braces? Invisalign clear aligners can shift your teeth into beautiful alignment using almost-invisible clear plastic trays. Now you can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing for an amazing grin.

Direct Bonding

If you have minor flaws like small chips, stains, or cracks, direct bonding can take care of it in just one easy appointment! Your dentist will use tooth-colored resin to sculpt and shape your flawed teeth to perfection. This is one of the easiest and most affordable treatments and it can be completed in less than an hour.

Does it sound like you could benefit from teeth whitening or other cosmetic services? Contact your dentist to dazzle in all of your holiday photos.

About the Practice

At Conklin & Ward Dental Group, we have a team of 3 highly-trained dentists who enjoy making their patients smile bigger and brighter. They like using cosmetic dentistry to improve their patients’ confidence by giving them a beautiful grin. For any questions, they can be contacted through their website or by phone at (410) 729-9090.

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