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Transcendent Smiles Blog

Dental Cosmetic Cures: How Smiling Benefits Your Health

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 4:08 pm
Woman on a yoga mat at the gym smiling and taking a picture

Have you ever felt so self-conscious about flaws in your teeth that you held back your smile? Nothing deflates your confidence quite like feeling like you must remain tight-lipped during friendly meals, important business meetings, or family photos that will be framed and hung on the wall. Not only that, but if you’re worried about your appearance then you might miss out on the many health advantages of a big, beautiful grin. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry has solutions that can mend or hide imperfections. Once your positive self-image is restored, you can enjoy these 4 benefits of smiling!


Are Sugar Substitutes Kinder to Your Smile?

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 1:55 pm
A woman enjoying tea with sugar substitutes

The effects of added sugar and what it does to your teeth can’t be overstated. A study performed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 91 percent of adults aged 20 and over have had at least one cavity. One in four of those adults let their cavities go untreated, causing serious oral health problems.

Can artificial sweeteners be the solution to this epidemic? Continue reading to learn more about sugar substitutes and their effects on your teeth.


Does Chewing Gum Make TMJ Disorder Worse?

September 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 10:45 am
A closeup of a woman placing chewing gum in her mouth

As far as habits go, gum-chewing may not seem that bad. There’s even research that suggests it can help keep your mouth clean! Still, you should be careful – chewing gum can make TMJ worse. You may suffer more severe jaw issues if you go too far with it. Luckily, your local Millersville dental practice can further explain. Here’s how gum-chewing and TMJ disorder are related and why to see a dentist for the latter.


Can Dentures Make My Nutrition Worse?

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 8:39 pm

Modern dentures are a comfortable and natural-looking way to replace lost teeth, but recent research has shown that they can sometimes impede the wearer’s ability to eat properly. Read on to learn more about why dentures can make good nutrition more difficult and a solution to get the nutrients you need.


Struggling to Meet Your Invisalign Wear Time? Here Are 4 Tips to Help!

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 3:20 pm
Closeup of woman smiling while placing clear aligner on top teeth

At first, wearing your Invisalign aligners for 20-22 hours a day may seem like an easy feat. Once you start your treatment, however, you might find it more difficult. Despite this, it continues to be of the utmost importance that you wear your trays as much as possible since they don’t work unless they’re in your mouth. So, if you’re having trouble, keep reading for four tips to help meet your wear time with Invisalign.


A Few Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Makes You Look Younger

June 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 5:07 am
A woman selecting her preferred tooth color for cosmetic dentistry

People’s faces slowly and gradually age with time. In other words, they develop new wrinkles, suffer from saggy muscles, and wear away from the elements. That said, you don’t have to accept this change passively. Did you know cosmetic dentistry makes you look younger? Indeed, its procedures can offset aging and allow your looks to recover some youth. To learn how that’s possible, let your Millerville dentist explain. Here are three crucial ways that cosmetic dental work helps you look younger.


Oral Cancer Stages, and What They Mean for Treatment

May 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 8:32 pm
graphic that says “oral cancer” with a circle around it

One of the most important parts of any routine checkup is also one of the fastest: the oral cancer screening. Oral cancer is unfortunately very common and can be incredibly serious if it isn’t detected early.

The progression of oral cancer is marked in stages, with later stages being more severe and harder to treat than earlier ones. If you want to learn more about this condition, here’s what you should know about each stage of oral cancer.


Why Dentures Aren’t Just for Seniors

April 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 6:08 pm
young adult with dentures smiling

Many people assume dentures are only for the elderly, but this is a misconception. While dentures are certainly useful for older individuals who have lost teeth, they are not exclusively for them. In fact, dentures can be the optimal solution for many individuals seeking to replace their missing teeth, regardless of their age. Continue reading to learn about some examples that demonstrate that dentures are not limited to older patients.


What are Invisalign Refinement Trays?

March 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 1:56 am
young woman holding her invisalign aligner

Invisalign aligners are an incredibly powerful orthodontic treatment, capable of giving patients results comparable to braces much more discreetly, and without the dietary restrictions.

Invisalign treatment also tends to take less time than traditional braces, though there’s one big caveat that comes with that: refinement trays. Here’s more information about this aspect of Invisalign treatment.


What Traits Make Up a Beautiful Smile?

February 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 7:15 pm
young adult with a beautiful smile

Dentistry is all about building a smile that can make you feel confident and happy. Ultimately, you are the final judge of what that kind of smile should look like.

However, if you’re looking into cosmetic dentistry soon, you might want to know what all can go into a beautiful smile. Even if you know what you want to look like, you may want to have some understanding of the technical terms for the issues you’d like to fix.

To help, here are some of the most common things people say make for a beautiful smile, and how you can go about getting them.

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